If you (or your agency) are using Paid Ads on Facebook & Instagram you may be aware that the new Apple iOS update (iOS 14) is having an impact on this channel.
To quote Facebook, “Apple has announced changes with iOS 14 that will impact how we receive and process conversion events from tools like the Facebook pixel. Businesses that advertise mobile apps, as well as those that optimize, target, and report on web conversion events from any of our business tools will be affected”. Please read the following article from Facebook, for a full background to this change and how it affects Facebook Ads: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/331612538028890?id=428636648170202
What you need to do:
We recommend that our Retailers (and any agencies) research this update and fully understand the impact to their Ads as a starting point. Facebook will automatically configure up to 8 Events for you, but we advise that you review this list and make sure you're happy with it.
Most importantly, we recommend you Verify your domain for Facebook
How to verify your domain for Facebook
Step 1. Login to Facebook Business >Ads Manager
Step 2. Go to Resource Center
Step 3: Read the Popup Info
Step 4: Click Review Pixels
Step 5: This will open the Events Manager and give you the option to Verify Domain
Step 6: This will open Domains screen, with 3 options for Domain Verification. Select 'Meta-tag Verification'
Step 7: Copy the meta-tag exactly as shown (If you click on the field, it will copy to your clipboard)
Step 8: Send this code in email to Magico Helpdesk, with the Subject Line: Facebook Domain Verification . Magico Helpdesk will apply this code for you, and confirm when it's done
Step 9: Pop back into Domains and click Verify. You should see a success message, but if not, please revert to Magico Helpdesk,
Step 10: When you're happy that you've reviewed your Events and that your Facebook Domain is verified, return to the Resource Center screen and click Mark Complete
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