- Option to turn off SELECT STORE for HOME DELIVERY and have automated algorithm assign store based on nearest POST CODE address to store
- Changed SORT ORDER for SELECT STORE popup to use OUTLET SORT ORDER first and then OUTLET NAME alphabetically
- Systems Integration - If outlet stops sending stock, automatically reduce it's stock levels for that product to zero
- Outlet Login - Added BILLING section to allow download of VAT receipts for commission
- New SMART DATA platform where we insert analytics at high speed an retrieve analytics data at high speed
- Pilot release of new Analytics Module - including new DATE RANGE feature
- Also includes Top Products, Top Categories, Top Brands, Top Search terms, Top Related Products, Top Releated Search Terms
- Also includes detailed product level Analytics
- Dashboard alerts - added DATA CHECK to compare AMOUNT TO BE PAID with AMOUNT PAID
- Dashboard alerts - added alert if any INCOMPLETE ORDERS older than 15 minutes (for new EXPERSS CHECKOUT)
Ecomm Experts AI
- Added new YOUR TEAM pilot page
- Integrated YOUR TEAM with CHAT GPT 4.0 APIs
Shipping Rates
- Added new SHIP BY BAND NUMBER algorithm as an option
- Added FREE SHIPPING setting at different bands or weights
- Added option to only allow local shipping for specific post code ranges
Express Checkout
- Release pilot version for STRIPE and AUTHIPAY
Admin for Product Categories
- Split ADDITIONAL CATEGORIES options into 3 separate options
- Implemented sitewide category level option for adding new categories and adding products to categories
- UPDATE PRODUCT - Categories TAB - Can only select from MAIN nav categories for primary category (exception being backward compatibility for existing websites)
Admin - Bulk Imports
- Added error handling to display friendly messages when there are errors with upload file
Admin - Orders
- Added EDIT ORDER to Abandoned baskets orders list to allow editing baskets
- Full integration with ShopBox products feed and orders feed
Product Detail Page
- Option to change NO PRICE AVAILABLE text displayed - or turn it off completely
- Option to change the MAX CHARACTERS allowed for any of the 5 short descriptions
- Updated algorithm that calculates number of characters for using with MAX CHARACTERS CHECK to exclude HTML
Product List Page
- Don't show FITLERS that are inactive
Google Analytics 4.0
- Made changes to try and improve accuracy of logging
- Change from using THUMBNAILS to LARGE images for product feed
- Fix for when using version buttons and it showed the EX VAT price for a version when you have INC VAT selected
- Updated BASKET to show INC VAT when tax toggle set to INC VAT
- Added PO Number to automated emails
- Removed terms from product detail page
Graphic Design
- Updated Font Awesome to self-host
- Fix to adjust sitewide graphic display issue on large screens after filter selection
- Fix for LOW stock and NO stock to use different classes
Mail Chimp
- Updated Integration for Abandoned Baskets to happen sooner in the checkout
- Fix to read errors returned in gzip format
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue where CODES which were not upper case were not being linked
- Added ability to send automated order emails from Klaviyo
- Updated Product Feed to include products with blank descriptions fields
- Fix for issue when downloading opt-outs
- Fix for ORDER FULFILLED order status not having up to date ORDER TRACKING info
- Updated web service APIs to use new urls
- Updated web service APIs to use new urls
Bottle Deposit Scheme
- Added setting to edit bottle deposit product codes
- If a promotion is for MINIMUM ORDER VALUE, then only allow 1 free gift
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