You can turn on EXPRESS CHECKOUT which will mean that certain payment methods like APPLE PAY and GOOGLE PAY can be used on the VIEW BASKET page - which means the user bypasses the checkout completely and has their email, name, phone number and address populated by the payment method.
This is available through the following payment providers:
- AIB Authipay (BETA)
To turn this on for your website, just contact the Help Desk.
What happens if the payment provider does not have all the user's details?
If the payment provider does not return all the user's details - i.e. their email, name, phone number or address - then the user will be prompted to complete their order and enter these remaining fields.
NOTE that the credit card has been charged so the order will sit in the Express Checkout order status (see screenshot below) until the user has filled in their details. If they have not completed this after 15 minutes, the order will appear on your DASHBOARD as an alert notifying you that someone has not completed their order within 15 minutes but their card has been charged.
In this situation, you would ring the customer and explain that you need to complete their order, and then click on the Complete Order link in the screen below beside the order and enter their details.
This is the screen that the user is shown to complete their order - and is the same screen that you would go into if you click on the Complete Order link in the screen above:
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