When the website is displaying a list of products to a user, the first few rows of products are the ones that the user will most likely look at - so it's important to decide which products should be displayed on page 1 and page 2 of all product listings.
abcommerce allows you to do the following:
- You can set a site-wide default sort order - the different options are Popularity, Is New and Price - for B2B websites, there are additional options to sort by Product Code or Title
- You can override this for any category - and all it's sub-categories will then receive this new default sort order
- You can manually move specific products to the top of the page and change their sort order using drag and drop
- The user has options to change the sort order of products to their preference
Options for Default Sort Order
The following are the options for sorting products:
- Popularity: Products will be sorted by RATING descending (which should ideally be based on sales) + then NEWNESS descending
- New In: Products will be sorted by NEWEST at the top using IS NEW FROM date - (and if they share the same IS NEW FROM date, they will then sort by IS NEW UNTIL DATE descending)
- Price Low to High: Products can be sorted by price ascending (lowest priced products first)
- Price High to Low: Price descending (highest priced products first)
- Product Code: For some B2B websites, they may want their products to be ordered by product code
- Product Title: Products will be sorted alphabetically by TITLE
Site Wide Default Sort Order
The default site wide sort order is Popularity - if you would like to change it to one of the above options, just email the help desk.
Category Level Default Sort Order
To override the default sort order for a category, just log in as ADMIN and take the following steps:
- Go to the category page on the front-end
- Click Edit Category / Page and you will see the following screen
- Select the default sort order and click SAVE
Sub-Categories Inheritance
Once you set a category's default sort order, all sub-categories will change to use this sort order - unless you set a sub-categories default sort order which it will use instead ( and similarly, so will all it's sub-categories).
Options for User to Change
Note that the user can change the sort order of the list of products if they want:
Manually Changing the Sort Order of the Products
You can manually change which products display first by logging in as WEB ADMIN and taking the following steps:
- Go into the category on the front-end and click CHANGE SORT ORDER
- If this is the first time entering this screen, you will see no products displayed as you need to first click the link for "Click here to select which products are to be MOVED TO THE TOP" and then click MOVE TO TOP under the products that you would like to be moved to the top of the list.
- Then go back to the previous screen and click REFRESH which will then show the products that have been moved to the top.
- Choose Click Here to Resort the Products that have already moved
- Then you simply drag and drop the products into the places that you want them to be displayed in and click SAVE.
- You can return to this screen anytime and resort the products, or remove products from the top of the list - or go into the next screen and move further products to the top.
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