When a user comes onto your website, they are shown a pop-up message asking them to ACCEPT ALL COOKIES or MANAGE THEIR PREFERENCES. They are not allowed to use the website until they have made their selection. This is in accordance to EU GDPR regulations.
The pop-up waits 2 seconds before appearing to allow the user ensure that they are on the correct website first.
Their choice is remembered for 3 months so they wont have the pop-up come up again for the next 3 months. Instead, each time they return to the website, they are offered the option to change their preferences with a cookies banner across the top of the website. They can CLOSE this banner for the rest of their session but the next time they go onto your website, the banner will reappear across the top again.
Impact on Google Analytics & Other Analytics
Note that when a user comes onto the site and sees the pop-up, we have disabled all cookies and external scripts including the integration with Google Analytics until they make their choice - so if they don't click anything, their session wont appear at all in Google Analytics - and it is possible that the referral website may not be recorded too if you are not upgraded to GA4. So your analytics will be affected by this and may not be accurate.
Note that analytics are not 100% accurate anyway (e.g. as their scripts can be blocked by browsers) and should only be used as a guideline. And since the percentage of users disabling cookies seems to be below 10%, the impact on analytics should be minor.
Monitoring Impact on Analytics
You can view the percentage of users who have cookies disabled on your dashboard under the following heading:
We are concerned that some users may come to the website and not want to click ACCEPT ALL or MANAGE and then leave the website but this cookie popup has become standard across all ecommerce websites so we are hopeful that the impact will be minimal.
We also have kept the text to a minimum while other websites display pages of options which confuse the user - so we've taken the approach to tell them that the website will run perfectly without all these external cookies and given them one option in the hope that they will quickly make their decision and continue to the website.
Also, since we remember the user's preferences for 3 months, returning users will not see the pop-up for the next 3 months which should reduce the impact on them.
To monitor the impact the cookie has on sales, watch the effect on CONVERSION RATE on your dashboard.
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